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Table 2 Description of thematic analysis of general comments

From: Examining the utility of a photorealistic virtual ear in otologic education

Educational tool

How OtoVIS has the potential to be a good educational tool



Significant statement examples

Learning environment

Relationship of OtoVIS and its contribution to the learning environment

"Low risk environment for learning difficult anatomy and surgical techniques"

Visual representation

The visual accuracy and representation of the anatomy

"Best representation of middle ear anatomy I have every seen"


Interactive component of OtoVIS

"Fun interactive, residents/staff would likely be interested and motivated to use this technology for learning"


Potential pitfalls of OtoVIS



Significant statement examples

Cost & equipment

The amount of money required to set up OtoVIS

"Set up (buying and setting up VR equipment)—that would be easily solved by department purchasing this and incorporating in temporal bone labs"

Technical difficulties

Technical difficulties ran into during simulation

"Bit buggy for now. Required restart during my run"

User interface

Participants experience with user interface

"Requires some time to acclimate to the software and hand manipulation to control."