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Table 1 Nine subscales of the German version of TASHI

From: Evaluation of a German version of the tonsil and adenoid health status instrument



Recurrent throat infections

My throat was aching frequently for a few days.

I often had a sore throat for a few days.


I often had bad breath or a bad taste in my mouth.

I was worried about having bad breath.

Chronic throat infection

My throat was aching continuously.

I always had at least a slightly sore throat.

Swallowing problems

I had problems swallowing.

Swallowing caused difficulties.


I had a painful swelling on the neck as well.

I had swollen lymph nodes on the neck.

Health care utilization

I had to consult a doctor because of my throat problems.

Due to my throat problems I had to buy medicine from the pharmacy.

Severe throat infections

I had fever because of my throat inflammation.

Because of throat inflammations I had to stay in bed.

Work performance

Due to my sore throat my performance in school and work suffered.

My throat issues limited my capability in school and work.

Nocturnal breathing

My breathing was very noisy during the night.

I snored loudly.

  1. In the right columns, the 2 questions per subscale were retranslated from German to English.