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Table 1 Goals of Epistaxis station

From: Surgical exploration and discovery program: inaugural involvement of otolaryngology – head and neck surgery




List the blood supply to the nose.

List/identify the instruments/medications required to perform nasal packing and set up a tray accordingly.

Epistaxis is common and will be encountered by most physicians regardless of specialty.

Identify Kiesselbach’s plexus/Little’s area.

Can be life threatening, Recognize importance of identifying bleeding source and doing a good pack.

Learn how to hold a nasal speculum, bayonet forceps, nasal suction.

Recognize what constitutes a poor pack.

Recognize the difference between anterior and posterior epistaxis.

Learn how to examine the nose (anterior rhinoscopy).

Learn how to place local anesthetic/vasoconstrictor in the nose.

Compare and contrast various nasal packs.

List the risk factors for epistaxis.

Learn how to place an anterior pack.

Review complications of nasal packing.

List and explain the treatment options for acute management of anterior epistaxis.

List and explain the treatment options for acute management of posterior epistaxis.

Describe how to potentially prevent epistaxis.