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Table 1 Criteria for Surgical Site Infection

From: Surgical site infections following oral cavity cancer resection and reconstruction is a risk factor for plate exposure

CDC Guidelines

Grandis et al. 1992 [17]

Superficial SSI:

Infection within 30 days of the operation

Involving Skin and Subcutaneous tissue of the incision

Presence of fever, elevated leukocyte count, appearance of wound, institution of antimicrobial therapy

At least one of:

a. Purulent drainage from the incision

b. Organisms identified by aseptically obtained sample

c. Incision is deliberately opened by a physician AND patient has at least one of the following: pain, localized swelling, erythema or heat

d. Diagnosis of SSI by physician


The following are not included:

a. Stitch abscess alone

b. The diagnosis and treatment of cellulitis (erythema, warmth, swelling) alone does not meet criteria


Deep SSI:

Infection within 30–90 days of the operation

Involves the deeper soft tissues of the incision


At least one of:

a. Purulent drainage

b. Deep incision with spontaneous dehiscence, or is deliberately opened by surgeon and organism is cultured and patient has at least one of the following signs and symptoms: fever, localized pain, and tenderness.

c. Abscess, or radiological evidence of an infection.