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Table 1 The Modified Education in Otolaryngology Website (MEOW) assessment tool

From: Identifying high quality medical education websites in Otolaryngology: a guide for medical students and residents





1. Authorship, Credibility & Disclosure

1.1 Disclosure of authorship? If yes (pick one)

No = 0


A. Authors’ name(s), credentials and contact information

A = 3

B. Authors’ name(s) with credentials

B = 2

C. Authors’ name(s)

C = 1

1.2 If author’s credentials are given, author is (if multiple authors, the majority are)


A. Otolaryngologist

A = 2

B. Other healthcare professional/scientist

B = 1

C. Other

C = 0

1.3 Disclosure of institution? If yes (pick one)


A. Educational, non-profit or government domain

A = 3

B. Other

B = 0

1.4 Is there an editorial review process?

Yes = 3

No = 0

1.5 Is the email of the webmaster provided for feedback?

Yes = 2

No = 0

1.6 Are references provided?

Yes = 2

No = 0

2. Frequency of Revision

2.1 When was the website (including references) last updated?


A. <1 year

A = 2

B. ≥1 year but <5 years

B = 1

C. Other

C = 0

3. Content Quality

3.1 Breadth. Does the information provided cover aspects pertinent to the field of interest?


A = Adequate

A = 6

B = Somewhat adequate

B = 3

C = Inadequate

C = 0

3.2 Depth. Is the information provided adequately detailed for the intended audience?


A = Adequate

A = 6

B = Somewhat adequate

B = 3

C = Inadequate

C = 0

3.3 Accuracy. Is the information accurate?


A = Accurate

A = 6

B = Somewhat accurate

B = 3

C = Inaccurate

C = 0

3.4 Does the website have summary statements/take-home points?

Yes = 2

No = 0

4. Interactivity

4.1 Are there any interfaces requiring relevant action on the part of the learner (e.g., quizzes, self assessments, interactive figures)?


A. Definitely

A = 6

B. Somewhat

B = 3

C. No/Does not apply

C = 0

5. Graphic Elements & Media

5.1 Are graphic/media elements included to provide additional information or to clarify existing content?


A. Present and pertinent

A = 2

B. Present

B = 1

C. Other

C = 0

5.2 Are graphic/media elements well integrated in the website?

Yes = 1

No = 0

6. Layout & Design

6.1 Clear/professional display of available information?

Yes = 1

No = 0


6.2 Is the website user-friendly, having a logical layout and intuitive?

Yes = 2

No = 0

7. Navigability & Speed

7.1 Does the website contain a search engine or table content?

Yes = 2

No = 0


7.2 Was the website or server accessible in a timely manner?

Yes = 2

No = 0

8. Hyperlinks

8.1 Are there any links to provide relevant additional information?

Yes = 2

No = 0


8.2 If links are provided, are they active (≥90% of total links)?

Yes = 1

No = 0