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Table 3 Mean change in SNOT-22 and LK scores for CS and saline within Groups 1 and 2

From: The effectiveness of topical colloidal silver in recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis: a randomized crossover control trial



Colloidal Silver

Change in SNOT-22, mean (SD)

Group 1

−13.9 (16.8)

3.9 (14.7)

Group 2

4.7 (6.3)

−1.0 (8.1)

Change in LK, mean (SD)

Group 1

−1.9 (2.1)

−1.1 (2.0)

Group 2

−1.0 (3.6)

−1.1 (3.5)

  1. CS colloidal silver, SNOT-22 Sino Nasal Outcome Test, LK Lund-Kennedy