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Table 1 Baseline, treatment and intervention characteristics of the 13 trial participants

From: A randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of trans-tympanic injections of a sodium thiosulfate gel to prevent cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in patients with head and neck cancer

Age, years, mean SD

58 (8.0)

Sex, male, n %

10 (77)

Smoking, past or current, n %

7 (54)

Weight, kg, mean SD

78 (12)

Education, post-secondary, n %

6 (46)

Karnofsky, 100, n %

13 (100)

Comorbidity, ≥ 1, n %

3 (23)

HNC tumor site

 Oral cavity, n %

4 (31)

 Oropharynx, n %

6 (46)

 Supraglottic, n %

1 (8)

 Unknown, n %

2 (16)

Tumor stage

 III, n %

3 (23)

 IVA, n %

7 (54)

 IVB, n %

3 (23)

Total Cisplatin dose received at the time of final audiologic evaluation, mg, mean SD

322 (145)

Radiation dose received by the cochlea on the treated side at the time of final audiologic evaluation, grays, mean SD

4.3 (4.5)

Radiation dose received by the cochlea on the control side at the time of final audiologic evaluation, grays, mean SD

7.0 (7.6)

Time between preparation of STS gel and trans-tympanic injection, minutes, mean SD

43.9 (27.5)

Time between trans-tympanic injection and Cisplatin treatment, hours, mean SD

20.6 (0.9)