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Table 2 Dispositions of calls by time frame

From: Telephone consultations with otolaryngology – head and neck surgery reduced emergency visits and specialty consultations in northern Alberta






474 (100%)

1235 (100%)

1709 (100%)

1. Reducing ED Visits – Overall

217 (45.8%)

847 (68.6%)

1064 (62.3%)

  a. Advice Provided

188 (86.6%)

696 (82.2%)

884 (83.1%)

  b. Referral to Clinic

29 (13.4%)

151 (17.8%)

180 (16.9%)

2. ED Visit/Direct Admission Recommended


388 (31.4%)

645 (37.7%)

  Crude OR – T2 compared to T1;

2.58 (95% CI: 2.08 to 3.21)

  Adjusted OR

2.48 (95% CI: 1.99.0 to 3.08)


Calls- Office Hours (n = 779)

169 (35.7%)

610 (49.4%)

779 (45.6%)

1. Reducing ED Visits

92 (54.4%)

465 (76.2%)

557 (71.5%)

  a. Advice Provided

80 (87.0%)

385 (79.4%)

465 (83.5%)

  b. Referral to Clinic

12 (13.0%)

80 (16.5%)

92 (16.5%)

2. ED Visit/Direct Admission Recommended

77 (45.6%)

145 (23.8%)

222 (28.5%)

  Crude OR – T2/T1

  Adjusted OR

2.68 (95% CI: 1.88 to 3.83)

2.54 (95% CI: 1.77 to 3.64)

Calls- After-Office Hours(n = 930)

305 (64.3%)

625 (50.6%)

930 (54.4%)

1. Reducing ED Visits

125 (41.0%)

382 (61.1%)

507 (54.5%)

  a. Advice Provided

108 (86.4%)

311 (81.4%)

419 (82.6%)

  b. Referral to Clinic

17 (13.6%)

71 (18.6%)

88 (17.4%)

2. ED Visit/Direct Admission Recommended

180 (59.0%)

243 (38.9%)

423 (45.5%)

  Crude OR – T2/T1

2.26 (95% CI: 1.71 to 2.99)

  Adjusted OR

2.19 (95% CI: 1.66 to 2.91)