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Table 3 Performance Status Scale for Head and Neck Cancer Patients

From: The prospective evaluation and risk factors of dysphagia after surgery in patients with oral cancer

Eating in Public


No restriction of place, food, or companion (eats out at any opportunity)


No restriction of place, but restricts diet when in public (eats anywhere, but may limit intake to less “messy” foods, e.g., liquids)


Eats only in presence of selected persons in selected places


Eats only at home in presence of selected persons


Always eats alone

Understandability of Speech


Always understandable


Understandable most of the time; occasional repetition necessary


Usually understandable; face-to-face contact necessary


Difficult to understand


Never understandable; may use written communication

Normalcy of Diet


Full diet (no restrictions)




All meat


Carrots, celery


Dry bread and crackers


Soft, chewable foods (e.g., macaroni, canned/soft fruits, cooked vegetables, fish, hamburger, small pieces of meat)


Soft foods requiring no chewing (e.g., mashed potatoes, apple sauce, pudding)


Pureed foods (in blender)


Warm liquids


Cold liquids


Non-oral feeding (tube fed)