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Table 2 Goals of Peritonsillar Abscess (PTA) station

From: Surgical exploration and discovery program: inaugural involvement of otolaryngology – head and neck surgery




Recognize how infectious tonsillitis may affect other organ systems.

List/identify the instruments/medications required to drain a PTA and set up a tray accordingly.

Peritonsillar abscess drainage is a straightforward procedure that Family Medicine, Emergency, and OTOHNS should be able to perform.

Many communities do not have OTOHNS MDs, so the more MDs that can successfully do this procedure, the better the patient care.

Identify a PTA.

Identify the most likely location of a PTA and the landmarks for your aspiration/incision and drainage.

Understand peritonsillar anatomy so that fear of performing the procedure is decreased

Explain how to grade the size of tonsils.

Topically anesthetise the oropharynx.

Compare and contrast the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of tonsilloliths, peritonsillar cellulitis, PTA, and mononucleosis.

Inject local anesthetic into the soft palate.

Incise and drain a PTA.

Review complications of PTA drainage.