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Table 1 The detection rates of major pathogenic bacteria in middle ear effusions using PCR in MAST-positive and -negative groups

From: Detection of bacteria in middle ear effusions based on the presence of allergy: does allergy augment bacterial infection in the middle ear?

Bacterial species

No (%) of PCR-positive specimens in the MAST-positive group

No (%) of PCR-positive specimens in the MAST-negative group

S. pneumoniae

6 (40.0 %)

21 (53.9 %)

H. influenzae

7 (46.7 %)

10 (25.6 %)

M. catarrhalis

3 (20.0 %)

6 (15.4 %)

  1. PCR polymerase chain reaction; MAST multiple allergosorbent test