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Table 2 Oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer and HPV knowledge questions

From: Knowledge and risk perception of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer among non-medical university students




Don't know


N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Have you heard of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer?

86 (86)


2 (2)

Have you ever heard of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer mouth exam?

18 (18)

66 (66)

16 (16)

Have you ever had an oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer exam?

7 (7)

83 (83)

10 (10)

Certain types of HPV lead to oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer

63 (63)

12 (12)

25 (25)

HPV is the same as HIV

1 (1)

76 (76)

23 (23)

Most types of HPV cannot clear up on their own

61 (61)

16 (16)

23 (23)

A person usually has symptoms when infected with HPV

14 (14)

62 (62)

24 (24)

Chance of getting HPV increase with number of sex partners

75 (75)

2 (2)

23 (23)

There is an HPV vaccine for both men and women

53 (53)

24 (24)

23 (23)