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Table 2 Participants’ Knowledge Test Scores and Post-Intervention Preferred Learning Sequence

From: Effectiveness of discovery learning using a mobile otoscopy simulator on knowledge acquisition and retention in medical students: a randomized controlled trial


Discovery then Instruction

Instruction then Discovery

Knowledge Test Score

 Adjusted post-test (N = 17)

76.50 ± 5.28

73.33 ± 5.28

 Adjusted retention test (N = 17)

75.23 ± 5.53

75.06 ± 5.53

Preferred Learning Sequence

 Discovery than Instruction sequence (%)

N = 2 (10.5)

N = 1 (5.3)

 Instruction then Discovery sequence (%)

N = 12 (63.2)

N = 13 (68.4)

 Both before and after lecture (%)

N = 5 (26.3)

N = 5 (26.3)