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Table 1 Demographics of the participants

From: The association of heat shock protein genetic polymorphisms with age-related hearing impairment in Taiwan






464 (56.5%)

357 (43.5%)

821 (100%)

Age (years)

72.26 ± 6.00

71.52 ± 5.66

71.94 ± 5.81

Better hearing ear PTA (dBHL)

42.63 ± 16.69

36.47 ± 16.41

39.96 ± 16.84

Occupational noise exposure

209 (45.3%)

63 (17.7%)

272 (33.3%)

ARHI grouping

 ARHI susceptible

149 (32.1%)

70 (19.6%)

219 (26.7%)


213 (45.9%)

160 (44.8%)

373 (45.4%)

 ARHI resistant

102 (22.0%)

127 (35.6%)

229 (27.9%)




229 (49.4%)

180 (50.4%)

409 (49.8%)


188 (40.5%)

139 (38.9%)

327 (39.8%)


35 (7.5%)

32 (9.0%)

67 (8.2%)


12 (2.6%)

6 (1.7%)

18 (2.2%)



273 (58.8%)

226 (63.3%)

499 (60.8%)


161 (34.7%)

108 (30.3%)

269 (32.8%)


19 (4.1%)

18 (5.0%)

37 (4.5%)


11 (2.4%)

5 (1.4%)

16 (1.9%)



174 (37.5%)

133 (37.3%)

307 (37.4%)


220 (47.4%)

168 (47.1%)

388 (47.3%)


66 (14.2%)

54 (15.1%)

120 (14.6%)


4 (0.9%)

2 (0.6%)

6 (0.7%)



238 (51.3%)

198 (55.5%)

436 (53.1%)


185 (39.9%)

120 (33.6%)

305 (37.1%)


31 (6.7%)

32 (9.0%)

63 (7.7%)


10 (2.2%)

7 (2.0%)

17 (2.1%)




646 (71.5%)

499 (71.1%)

1145 (71.3%)


258 (28.5%)

203 (28.9%)

461 (28.7%)



707 (78.0%)

560 (79.5%)

1267 (78.7%)


199 (22.0%)

144 (20.5%)

343 (21.3%)



568 (61.7%)

434 (61.1%)

1002 (61.5%)


352 (38.3%)

276 (38.9%)

628 (38.5%)



661 (70.7%)

516 (73.7%)

1177 (73.2%)


274 (29.3%)

184 (26.3%)

431 (26.8%)