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Table 1 Characteristics of cases and controls undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery

From: Endoscopic sinus surgery outcomes in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and immunoglobulin deficiencies


Patients with immunoglobulin deficiency (n = 13)

Patients without immunoglobulin deficiency (n = 26)


Male (n, %)

5 (39)

10 (39)

 < 0.001

Age (mean ± SD)

44.2 (15)

43.7 (14)


Asthma (n, %)

6 (46)

12 (46)

 < 0.001

CRSwNP (n, %)

8 (62)

16 (62)

 < 0.001

CRSsNP (n, %)

5 (39)

10 (39)

Preoperative LMS (mean ± SD)

13.8 (± 3.0)

12.9 (± 3.2)


Follow up time in months (mean ± SD)

44 (± 36.7)

24.0 (± 22.5)


Complete ESSb

9 (69)

24 (92)


Limited ESSc

4 (31)

2 (8)


Concurrent Septoplasty

2 (15)

7 (27)


  1. CRS chronic rhinosinusitis, CRSsNP chronic rhinosinusitis withoutt nasal polyps, CRSwNP chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, LMS Lund MacKay score, SD standard deviation, SMD standardized mean difference, ESS endoscopic sinus surgery
  2. aA SMD < 0.1 indicated a good balance between the two groups
  3. bComplete ESS was defined as maxillary antrostomies, total ethmoidectomies, sphenoidotomies, frontal sinusotomies, and nasal polypectomies if polyps are present
  4. cLimited ESS was defined as any ESS that did not fit the definition of complete ESS