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Table 1 Changes of major polysomnographic parameters in the 563 severe OSA patients before and after surgery

From: Inflammatory biomarkers of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios in 563 severe OSA patients before and after surgery


Mean (SD)

95% CI for difference

P valuea





9.7 (4.7)

7.8 (4.2)

 − 2.0 (4.6)

 − 2.4 to − 1.6

 < 0.001

BMI (kg/m2)

27.4 (3.3)

26.5 (3.2)

 − 0.9 (1.7)

 − 1.1 to − 0.8

 < 0.001

Sleep efficiency (%)

83.7 (13.0)

86.2 (12.6)

2.5 (15.1)

1.2 to 3.9

 < 0.001

N1 (%)

55.9 (20.9)

41.2 (21.6)

 − 14.6 (25.4)

 − 16.9 to − 12.3

 < 0.001

N2 (%)

27.4 (18.4)

38.3 (18.1)

10.9 (21.6)

8.9 to 12.8

 < 0.001

N3 (%)

1.4 (3.9)

2.1 (4.4)

0.6 (5.0)

0.2 to 1.1


REM (%)

15.0 (7.0)

18.2 (6.9)

3.2 (8.6)

2.4 to 4.1

 < 0.001

AHI (/hr.)

57.6 (18.1)

34.9 (31.5)

 − 22.8 (32.9)

 − 25.7 to − 19.8

 < 0.001

AHI in REM (/hr.)

55.6 (38.6)

35.3 (24.8)

 − 20.3 (41.0)

 − 24.0 to − 16.6

 < 0.001

Apnea, longest (sec.)

59.0 (22.2)

45.6 (33.4)

 − 13.3 (32.2)

 − 16.3 to − 10.3

 < 0.001

Hypopnea, longest (sec.)

67.3 (30.6)

81.6 (42.6)

14.2 (49.9)

9.6 to 18.9

 < 0.001

PO2 < 90% (%)

16.4 (17.1)

8.4 (13.7)

 − 8.0 (15.1)

 − 9.4 to − 6.6

 < 0.001

mO2 (%)

93.6 (3.2)

94.9 (2.2)

1.3 (2.9)

1.1 to 1.6

 < 0.001

LSAT (%)

71.6 (12.2)

79.5 (10.8)

7.9 (11.5)

6.8 to 8.9

 < 0.001

ODI (/hr.)

46.3 (22.1)

24.3 (22.3)

 − 22.0 (23.2)

 − 24.1 to − 19.9

 < 0.001

Arousal index (/hr.)

47.7 (26.7)

32.3 (24.7)

 − 15.4 (31.3)

 − 18.3 to − 12.5

 < 0.001

Snoring index (/hr.)

394.2 (206.0)

301.4 (224.0)

 − 92.8 (272.3)

 − 117.5 to − 68.1

 < 0.001

  1. OSA: obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome; ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; BMI: body mass index; REM: rapid eye movement; AHI: apnea/hypopnea index; PO2 < 90%: percentage of time with saturation of oxygen below 90%; mO2: mean saturation of oxygen; LSAT: lowest saturation of oxygen; ODI: oxygen desaturation index
  2. aStatistical analyses were performed using paired t-tests, and P < .05 was viewed as of significance